Sunday, August 17, 2008

Beginning to see the end...

Good morning one and all,

I am still here in Switzerland, soaking up the fresh air and the perpetual view of the Alps which I wake to every morning outside my window. We finished renovating that house on Friday, and have pretty much been laying low outside of a climbing adventure we took yesterday and running. Right next to the base is a big park/forrest thing that is full of trails which has proven great for a little Euro cardio. The woods are big and dense, and though I feel I could be jumped by a pack of Wolves at any moment, it is really a beautiful place to go run and be alone for a while. I was running down a trail this morning and got ambushed by some thorns...that was sweet.

Tomorrow afternoon, I am flying up to Brussels to spend a few days with a family up there and see a little bit more of the European mainland. I really don't know much about Belgium at all, but am excited to see it and get to know this family who will be hosting me. After that I will be headed back up to Ireland, and will spend a few days in Belfast, and surrounding parts of Northern Ireland. Maybe I will make a trip to the Giants Causeway, but I cant make any promises. Aparently Northern Ireland is very different that the rest of it, due to the protestant infulence, but i'm not sure and will have to report back. Anyway, after those few days in Ireland, I will board a plane and be back in the States on August 25. I decided a few weeks ago, that it was time to come on back to the states, and though I am cutting this trip short by a few weeks, I feel really good about my return to DC. Anyway I hope all is well with you all, and I look forward to talking to you all when I do.

ps-In an addendum to the last entry, I tried to go see the Dark Knight didnt work

pps-For whatever reason, the spell check doesn't really work when I ask it to, so please forgive whatever mispellings you notice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey - travel safely, bro. I'm a bit jealous of your woodland runs.