Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Change of Course

haha hey y'all,

I have appreciated all of your notes and comments regarding that crossing back to the states, but upon further review and discussion have opted out of doing it after all. I thought a lot after I had that spot on the boat on whether it was really for me or not, and remembered one of my goals for this whole trip was to see some of Europe, and while that has been accompished thus far, I felt like I could do better through another route. So with all that said, I hate to dissapoint, but I just didn't feel that was where I was being led. Anyways we are now in Switzerland at the YWAM {youth with a mission} base near Lusanne. Matt stayed here about 5 years ago, and still had some contacts here, so we came up and are getting to stay here for free. While we are here we will probably do some renovation work around the base, and will likely take day trips on the weekends. This morning we scrubbed dirt and mold off of a shed at a nearby property, and this afternoon holds lots of sanding and painting of this bad boy, pretty sweet. The funny thing is the work that is going down here doesn't really seem too different than what we were looking to do down in France, so it seems this is something we cant really escape. Anyway we are here safely, and enjoying all the food we can eat.

1 comment:

Mike Ruggieri said...

Make up your mind! Ha, just playing... I imagine this trip has gone pretty much as you planned, which is that its changing every day. I wish you could have packed me in your suitcase and taken me with you. Next time you do this I am totally coming with.