Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Elusive Dark Knight

Hey Everyone,

I hope this blog catches you all in good spirits. All is going well here in Switzerland, and we are nearing completion with this house we have been working on. Today's work was dedicated to tying down loose ends like hanging curtains, replacing smoke detector batteries, and ensuring all the lights were connected and functional. The house we are preparing will be inhabited by 20some female students from the German side of Switzerland who are coming here for school, so naturally we are trying to make the house as warm and welcoming as possible. After work today we came back and grilled out, then took it back to the Raleigh State Fair with some deep fried Milky Way bars for dessert...they were a hit among the Euros.

So I can't really remember if I have commented earlier on our luck thus far with The Dark Knight, but the saga is just to epic not to mention. A movie could be made about our pursuit to see a movie. When we left the states, our flight departed Washington, DC on July 13 while the Dark Knight released in theatres later that week in the USA. Then came Ireland. Ireland was an interesting journey for us, in that of the 8 or so days we were there, we slept in the car (remember, a VW Golf) for 5 of them. Needless to say, after day 3 or 4 days, we weren't exactly thrilled to be in the car, and were really excited about merely turning off our brains for a couple hours and enjoying some good ole fashioned Caped Crusading in what we thought would be the Irish opening of The Dark Knight. We arrive at a theatre only to find out that it opens in three days, which is conveniently one day after we arrive in France. I wish I could express to you all the dissapointment in our hearts that night, really, it was one of the greatest let downs I have experienced in a long...long time. Fast forward to last night, the grand opening of the Dark Knight here in Switzerland. We arrive at the theatre, make it through the lines, and purchase tickets, excited for the masterpiece which will soon unravel before our eyes. Luckily Matt payed attention in French class, and after confirming it with the ticket salesman 4 times, discovered the showing was in FRENCH, yes FRENCH, and the ENGLISH speaking theatre across town which was showing it was already sold out. You must be joking. No Blake, not joking at all, I am really without explanation as to how this movie is so difficult to on the big screen. After last night's events, I have just decided I can wait until I make it back to the states, my heart can't take this kind of emotional volatility any more. Thus concludes my European saga with The Dark Knight. If any of you have not seen it yet, and are reading this from the greater Washington, DC area, maybe we can go when I get back, though I can't make any promises that the movie will actually play while I am sitting in the theatre.


Unknown said...

We've got it on IMAX too! It might be a good idea to wait... nothing worse then to be teased like that when you're already far from your comfort zone.
Things are the same here, brother dear. Miss you and can't wait for you to come home
Lots of love... Chili Bean says 'Hi'

P.S. Still having a hard time with boy's names. Here are some to mull over, and their meanings. What do you think about......
Owen (young warrior),
Reuben (behold a son),
Dante (lasting, enduring),
Deacon (one who serves),
Galen (Greek-healer, calm; Irish-little, lively)
I love that one
Henry (ruler of the household),
Oliver (kind affectionate),
Neil (champion)
Ethan (strong, firm)

jwpmeinen said...

batman wins. i hope that doesn't give the ending away.