Thursday, August 21, 2008

So you know why they call them Belgian waffles?

Because they perfected them...that's why. I don't have any clue of the origin of waffles, but if another society created them (maybe the Mongols, or the Prussians), the Belgians surely crossed the t's, dotted the i's and tucked the little puppies in bed, because they are ridiculous. In Brussels they are sold on the streets like funnel cakes at the State Fair. I ate three today. Three. I ate dinner, went and got one, walked away and consumed my first, then came back to the vendor with the spare Euros I had. That is how good these things are. I dare you to come to Brussels and eat just one. Actually buy two ahead of time, and if one will tie you over, I'll eat the other one. Thats how good these things are.

Sorry for the ranting, i just had to vent that. Belgium has been an incredible trip. The family I am staying is remarkably hospitable and generous, and I have not been short of new experiences and adventures. Yesterday we went to a nearby military base to do a little grocery shopping for the week ahead. It was like someone took an enormous exacto knife, cut out a few American stores, and glued them to a countryside in Belgium. We walked in these stores and I felt like I was walking in any standard grocery back in the states. They had a dip isle. I have never been so excited to see Copenhagen and Red Man Chaw in all my life...and I don't even like the stuff. I was back in the land of 99 cent Suave shampoo! It really made me think more about the sacrifices our soldiers overseas make every day, and the everyday familiarities like Texas Pete Hot Sauce I take so much for granted. I have grown to miss that kind of stuff more than I realized I would, so I can only imagine how much more these brave men and women are, not only here in Europe, but further more in the Middle East.

Last night we checked out the downtown night life in Brussels, and as luck would have it, I ran into Will Shafferman. I knew he was in Brussels, and we had been trading emails back and forth, but it turned out completely coincidental (divine) that we ran into each other at this random bar. It is really cool to be in a different country, and turn the corner and see a familiar face, I guess you just have to try it sometime.

Today I walked around downtown Brussels, and did some reading, window shopping, and waffle eating. Afterward I came back and watched a few movies with the family and here now I sit. Midnight here, but merely quittin' time over in the States. I hope all of you are good, and had a good Wednesday at work! I'll talk to you soon.

ps-They have Chi-Chi's in Belgium. I have fond memories of going to Chi-Chi's for my birthday in Waverly Place in Cary, NC, and my dear sweet Mom giving me Dave Matthews Band tickets (RIP LeRoi) when I was in 4th grade or something. Every time we drive by one, I probably freak those in the car out with my animated reaction toward such a noble establishment.

pps-They also have Food Lion, though it is called something else which I doubt translates to Food Lion, but at any rate it is the same logo.


Mike Ruggieri said...

What? You know someone!?! Crazy... considering you know everyone! The waffle story just made me hungry, so thanks.

jwpmeinen said...

save some waffles for the rest of us. crazy about willy shaffes. glad to hear you're having a good time. the states miss ya, bro.