Sunday, July 27, 2008

Groundhog Day

Hey All,

I hope everyone is having a good Sunday wherever you are. Things are not much different here in Antibes, Fr haha. I mentioned to Matt and Rob the other day I felt like it was Groundhog Day with Bill Murray here. Granted every day looks different to a degree, but it is like Walk the docks-go to the beach-check the internet-eat, or maybe walk the docks-check the internet-eat-go to the beach haha, so you know what I mean. We have not had any luck with employment yet, but we are talking about changing our strategy this week and splitting forces over the different ports. There are several docks in the area (Cannes, Antibes, Monaco) that we could separately go to on our own, which could forseeably grant us more luck, so we'll probably give it a shot. Outside of that nothing is really new except a new found love for Jimmy Buffett, go figure. Please keep me posted with inns and outs of your life and i'll do my best to keep you all updated as well! Take Care


Lilly said...

Every day an adventure! Truly there are worse places to be stuck than Monaco. I'm looking forward to reading future entries - by the end you'll be such a seasoned traveler, it'll all be second nature. Stay safe,

Brad said...

What an adventure my friend. I am praying for ya'll daily and am really loving getting to follow along with your trip.