Thursday, July 24, 2008

Unpreparedness+Little Money=Bad Idea

Haha ominous title eh,

So today is day 3 without work here on the yachting scene in Antibes, France. It has been a steep curve learning the inns and outs of this industry, and remarkable how inadequately prepared I could really be for this. Aparently we have arrived toward the end of the season here (literally people have said "well why did you come here?") and the day work we have been trying to find is quite scarce (incredibly lucky people find it twice a week). On top of that there is this rediculous certification called an STCW 95 which qualifies people to be deck hands upon a ship. Conveniently this certification in Fort Lauderdale, Fl is a booming 825$, but here in Antibes is about 1200 euro (which is a copious amount of dollars). With all this being said, we (I) are in somewhat of a monetary pinch at the moment, go figure. Literally people have completely separate resume's for their yachting career, and mine doesn't really translate well (college diploma=pretty meaningless). We are addressing other options for things to do in a couple of weeks that could be free, but even in that I wouldnt be suprised if I had to cut my trip short. Mom and Dad, if you're reading this, I may need emergency evacuatory funding haha, but seriously. I have also been having some bouts with homesickness and unsettledness while here, which has been an interesting thing to learn about myself. I find myself really missing things I dearly love (friends, family, North Carolina, DC, the English language spoken), but truthfully I really feel like God has me here for something, so I gotta stick it out until I feel different. Outside of all that, I have my health and there are worse places to be trapped in than the South of France. I went to Monaco yesterday, it was cool.

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