Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In Nice!

Bonjour All!

Since my last post, we have had some pretty miraculous moments take place, which I cant even begin to describe via blog, but really neat stuff nonetheless. We were on our way to meet one of Robs friends for dinner last night, and stopped for directions, finding that we had a nail in our tire. So the one thing we didnt have insurance for on the car was the tires...go figure. So we end up finding a tire shop down the road (which was closing) and had the guy take out the nail and patch up the tire for 10 euro which beats the heck out of the 90 we would have likely had to spend through the car rental. After a sweet dinner, we headed to the Airport and spent the night there to leave Dublin this morning at 6:20 and arrive in Nice, Fr this morning. Once we got here we made our way to the hostel to find that they were all booked and wouldnt have room until next monday? which needless to say was somewhat difficult to hear. We ended up checking back about 10 minutes later to find that 3 spots had opened miraculously, and we were luckily there to fill the holes. Tomorrow we will begin looking for the work we are going to need to sustain our time over here, so prayers are great haha. I miss you all and hope you are well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

blake - please try to find the guy that takes his piano around the street market's/cafes there in Nice. He is tall and gangly and has brown hair. He is really fun.


ps - I hope you are well.