Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sunscreen Application

Good Morning Team,

I woke this morning at about 7:00 am, and was down on the docks by 7:20 asking if anyone needed any daywork. Unfortunately no one needed any help yet again, so I took advantage of the time and went and read some scripture on a nearby beach for a bit, then came here and hopped on the internet. Here is a picture from this morning.

I have also re-realized recently the importance of thorough sunscreen application. It seems like every season I have to learn this stupid lesson. We came off the beach two days ago, and by the time I had gotten in the shower that night, I had a wonderful red patch on my back, near my armpit, and an oblong star like shape on my sternum...cool. I have no idea how my attention to detail can really be that poor, but somehow I find a way.

Today will probably be low key yet again. I'll probably go to the beach, read some Sherlock Holmes (which is really good by the way), and if i'm feeling really crazy, I might even send a postcard. Also, there has been a new tradition of playing basketball down on the docks with the Philipino crew of one of the boats, so that may go down later tonight.


jwpmeinen said...

i also suck at sunscreen app. happy to hear you're enjoying yourself. be well, bro!

Michael & Lynn said...


John told me about your site! Looking forward to reading it more. I thought this would be a good way to get in touch with you as well. If I wanted to send you a save the date for the wedding, where would I send that? Thanks dude.

Love, Beahm